ETH Zurich - ISMANAM 2010 - Presentation Instructions

Presentation Instructions

Oral Presentation

Talk Time
Plenary talks 40 minutes (incl. 5-7 min. discussion)
Keynote talks 30 minutes (incl. 5 min. discussion)
Invited talks 30 minutes (incl. 5 min. discussion)
Contributed talks 15 minutes (incl. 2-3 min. discussion)

All oral presentations must be prepared in MS Power Point 2007 and given to the ISMANAM Front Desk on a USB flash memory stick or CD the day before the talk. These presentation files will be transferred to laptop computers already connected to projectors in each conference hall. If your presentation is scheduled for the first Symposium day (July 5th), please identify yourself at the registration desk at 8:30 AM so that your presentation can be transferred immediately to our computers.

Due to the very tight schedule, we regret that disconnecting our computers from the projectors to connect your own laptops will not be possible.

Poster Presentations

The maximum allowable poster size is 90 cm wide and 150 cm high.

Note: Presenting authors must be available for discussion during the entire Poster Session on Monday or Tuesday. Chairs of the poster session will verify this, and 'unaccompanied' posters cannot be published in the conference proceedings.


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© 2010 ETH Zürich | Impressum | 30.06.2010